Planning & Expert Witness
Patrick Moss, Director, is a chartered planner and transport planner with 25 years post qualification experience, guiding schemes through all stages of the planning process including appeals and local plan examinations.
Moss Naylor Young offer a comprehensive tailored service, simplifying the process for all concerned, which enables the applicant to remain in control of the process and avoid unnecessary objections and difficulties.
Moss Naylor Young are passionate about regeneration, and see it as the ultimate objective of most projects that we get involved with.
We have been involved in comprehensive regeneration projects in east London around the Olympic site and in the Chard Regeneration Framework in Somerset; nearly all our projects are part of a wider regeneration scheme.
We understand regeneration to be about inspiring a community back into life, integrating art and music as much as commerce, sport, recreation and employment.
We apply this ethos to all that we do.
Transport Planning
Moss Naylor Young provide transport advice in support of planning applications and for clients to manage their operations and developments. Transport Statements and Travel Plans are routinely required by local planning authorities for significant developments, and we prepare these for clients in consultation with the relevant officers at each council, ensuring a smooth path towards planning consent.
Our approach is to negotiate on and deal with issues and objections before applications are determined, thus avoiding resubmission and appeal wherever possible.
Moss Naylor Young specialise in working on projects related to inland waterways, especially the regeneration of the waterway itself or the area and community around it.
We offer industry-leading advice on waterway heritage and have been retained by the Heritage Lottery Fund to advise on projects for them. In addition, we offer a bespoke service for canal trusts and similar groups to make the most of limited funds in advancing their cause, working with their volunteers and staff to provide technical expertise and professional input where it can be most effective.
Moss Naylor Young provide industry-leading advice on Maritime and Industrial history, with special reference to inland navigation and Transport.
We act as Mentors for Heritage Lottery Fund projects and advise clients on best practice and statutory requirements for their proposals, property and artefacts.
Patrick Moss, Director, is a speaker on the subject and regularly contributes to academic discussion on the heritage and archaeology of inland waterways and highways.
Website: www.mossnayloryoung.com
Email: hello@mossnayloryoung.com
Address: 13 Cheap Street, Frome, BA11 1BN
Phone: 07736 859882