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Your Inner Healer - What Is It?

Writer's picture: Becky PercivalBecky Percival

What is Your Inner Healer & how can it help you?

Your Inner Healer is a programme which enables self empowerment, inner knowing, self expression and trauma healing whilst learning the tools that give you the know-how to live and love life. Created by Inga Lamb, she provides personalised and group sessions, online video courses and subscriptions. For a brief introduction to Your Inner Healer and what Inga does, watch this video:

We went to visit Inga and had a healing session in person with her, as well as a healing session from a distance (more on this below). Whilst we were there we asked Inga:

What brought you to Bruton?

"I left Italy, where I had been living for over 13 years, after the break up of my marriage. My best friend was in Frome and my parents were in Castle Cary, so Bruton was the perfect place to come."

What can you expect in an initial consultation with you?

"An initial consultation provides an opportunity for the client to meet me and to hear about what I do, so they can decide if the work feels right for them. It is very important that the client feels safe and cared for and so that is what I offer during the initial consultation.

It also gives the client time to talk through the issues they are having or what it is that they are looking to achieve or want to change and/or gain in their lives. Based on this, I put together an initial plan for the first session. I work organically, so if they wish to come for more sessions, we decide on the next work during that session."

When did you start your new business and were you affected by lockdown?

"I trained in shamanism during lockdown. It actually meant that I had the time and space that was necessary for me to do my own inner work, so I could then learn to help others."

Do you have any special offers for our readers?

"I offer a free initial consultation, which can be from 1/2 hour to up to an 1 hour. I also offer workshops in Shepton Mallet for an hour and half that are £15 per head with a max of 7 participants."

Have you got a Final Word to say about anything i.e. future plans, and what do you like about living near Frome?

"This area is the perfect place for my work, as people in Frome and Bruton are very open to alternative practices, so it is a joy to be able to build my knowledge and expand within such a supportive community."

"Eventually I would like to return to Italy where I intend to offer workshop retreats for English people, in Ravenna. I would also like to do this in Greece too. The workshops would be done at the beach in the early morning, at sunrise. There would then be the opportunity for private sessions and then everyone would be free at lunchtime and have the afternoon to explore the amazing cities of Ravenna and Bologna, Cesanatico and around or just to lie on the beach and relax."

Fabulous Frome's experience

Fabulous Frome went to do some Inner Healing work with Inga and we weren't sure what to expect. Inga is effusive and friendly, as well as simply brimming with positive energy. She made me feel very comfortable on her sofa with cushions and blankets. On the table in front of me there was a selection of candles, feathers and crystals, and to start with we just talked. Words came tumbling out of me so easily, as Inga slightly led the conversation and then talked about what she was going to to. We were going to try a 'soul retrieval' as she explained that throughout life when bad experiences happen to us they can sometimes chip off bits of our soul.

She started drumming and singing which was very relaxing and I shut my eyes. She then led me through a very detailed guided meditation where she saw me in a large park garden as an eight year old and a blonde dog was desperate to come on our journey.

She had no idea that we had to give up our Golden Retriever (whom I adored) when I was eight years old because it was too big for our small town house in King's Lynn, and my Grandmother was getting to old to walk it when I was away at school. My dog was my best friend as my mother had left to go and live in Ibiza when I was seven.

I had covered myself with a protective veil, which Inga and the dog untwisted, and afterwards the dog licked me I was free. I was joyous and wanted to come home desperately, so we all moved into the meadow of souls and Inga returned my soul part to me.

The second session I had with Inga was over the computer. It was a very similar set up, with me on my sofa at home, and her drumming and singing to begin with at her end. This time we were meeting one of my spirit guides and she guided me through the mist (in another detailed meditation) to find my healing tree.

Apparently we each have many guides that have been with us since we were born. My power animal spirit guide came through to me that day as one of my greatest allies, meaning I never need feel alone again, and was a red squirrel!

Whether this sounds like it is for you or not, we highly recommend trying it, as you may well learn something interesting about yourself, or just learn to sit quietly for a bit during a guided meditation.

Inga is also providing 6 week courses this September on Weight Loss, Menopause and another one on YOU - which is about how to try and find your true self. Click on each of the coloured links to find out more about each course and when they start.

About Inga

Inga was born on the Orkney islands in Scotland. The house she lived in was in direct line with the famous Ring of Brodgar and the house sat on top of the Ness of Brodgar, now believed to be one of the most important Neolithic excavations in Eurpoe.

Her father studied shamanism as a scholar and wrote books on folklore and the meaning of ancient words. Inga's childhood was spent running around the great henges of Brodgar and Stennes and was littered with tales of faeries, trowies and mermen. The magic of these islands, had a profound effect upon her life.

Her interest in shamanism began with a wonderful shamani in Glastonbury whom she worked with prior to doing a plant medicine retreat in 2014. For many years she had discarded conventional pharmaceuticals in favour of herbs, essential oils and food and now she is exploring the world of QiGong - which means energy work and the energetic healing modalities of an incredible art.

She qualified in the shamanic arts in 2021 and has been practising and learning ever since, developing her own path with this extraordinary and little understood form of energetic healing.

In addition to this Inga qualified in The reading of the Akashic records and Belief clearing therapies in 2021. She is currently studying the Tarot and QiGong.

To book a session with Inga, call her on +44 7933 842112, email her at or click on the button below.


If you are a business and would like to have a Spotlight feature written about you and published on Fabulous Frome, please contact Becky on +44 7793 561696 or email her at



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